Trans Series 2005-2011

Oil Paintings on wood

Trans refers to movement or carrying from one place to another or on or to the other side so as to change; to change in form or position; across, beyond, through.Merriam Webster Dictionary

The Trans Series paintings contain hundreds of pieces of wood of various heights, widths, and lengths.  Each piece of wood represents a separate entity but is linked with its surrounding neighbors by various systematic rules and decisions. The small singular elements of the multi-paneled pieces are meant to exist in equal strength to the whole.  In effect, nothing is disconnected from the whole. The individual cannot exist without the support of the whole; but, nevertheless, it remains distinctly unique. The singular elements ultimately change in form and substance by building into something greater than themselves.  A transmutation occurs from part to the whole.


Iterations Works on Paper 2007-2008


Trans Series Works on Paper